

Poniższy kurs jest opracowywany we współpracy z warszawską szkołą językową TFLS (Testing and Foreign Language Services), oferującą kursy języka angielskiego na najwyższym poziomie.


In the written part of the LCCI 2 exam you may be asked to write a leaflet in Question 1 or in Question 3. Below you will find a sample leaflet and a set of suggestions on how to tackle this kind of task properly.


You work for Green Press,

Lake Road
, Gloucestershire W072 4XU, publishers of  books. Your Office Manager is Mr Greg Cross. You are given the following fax from him.



To:                      Marketing Department

From:                 Mr Greg Cross

Date:                 1st November 1992

No. of Pages:   1

Will you draft a leaflet for me, please? It will be sent to all our customers. For all book orders over £500 placed between January and April next year we shall give 15% discount. I'm afraid we have to do this because business hasn't been too good over the past year - but I suppose that's to be expected with the recession the country's gone through. This offer applies to books on all subjects and won't be repeated. Stress what a bargain it is - new books at bargain prices! Orders must be received by us by the last day of April. We shall send the leaflet with our new catalogue early next month. This offer can be taken up only by customers who have paid their previous invoices, not by anybody who owes us money. Incidentally, this offer also applies to all newly-­published books as well as to older stock.


Draft the leaflet.


Sample leaflet:




15% Discount



Any Book on Any Subject************Includes Newly-Published Books



Offer cannot be repeated



This offer applies to all orders over £500

which are placed between January 1st and April 30th 1993.



For more information contact:

White Press

Lake Road


W072 4XU

Tel: (0478) 322498



Applies only to customers whose accounts are up to date.

Issued on (today's date)




Below you will find some useful hints on how to tackle this kind of task successfully:


  1. You should start with identifying the kind of task – here it is a leaflet.

  2. When it comes to layout, there are no special rules for it. However, a leaflet should be easy to read and eye-catching. This can be done by centralising the text, using capital letters for important information, keeping sentences short or using questions and answers. It should also contain an address and the date on which it was issued.

  3. The next step includes identifying relevant information. A leaflet is normally used to give information about something. It may be informing people of a sale or a bargain or it may be informing people of legal rights and rules. In every case certain information has to be given. An address is essential whenever the leaflet is intended for any purpose other than purely "internal" matters. It is essential that all the information necessary is provided to ensure that whoever reads the leaflet can understand the information and act on it. This is also important if you invent information.

  4. As soon as you have identified the relevant information or invented information make sure it is grouped so that points are presented in a logical order. Often the information in the question is presented in a suitable order. Sometimes, however, the different pieces of information may be mixed up or repeated. You may also have had to invent information.

  5.  And finally the time has come to write the leaflet. Language in leaflets must be clear and easy to understand. Full sentences are not necessary for the whole text, slogans may be useful if it is persuading people to buy. Figures are also used to give information briefly and clearly. Be careful for extra instructions which say "Draft the leaflet being as persuasive as possible." (Remember you're trying to sell the product).

  6. Additionally, last but not least, check your work. It might be useful to ask yourself the following questions Have you included all relevant information?

a)     Have you left out all irrelevant information?

b)     Have you grouped/ordered the information in the best way?

c)      Is the language appropriate for a leaflet?

d)     Have you checked spelling, grammar and punctuation?

e)     Have you completed the task?

Wyjaśnienia słów:

bargain - okazja
invoice - faktura


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