Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

The first Ghost in the Shell movie was such a dazzling example of how far ahead Japanese sci-fi animation was, The Matrix borrowed from it wholesale. This film makes the Matrix movies look as quaint as Jules Verne or HG Wells. It's next-generation sci-fi. Every gadget and contraption of its Blade Runner-ish world has been obsessively designed and rendered, and a wailing choral score lends an appropriate sense of awe to some of the grandest scenes, such as a parade in which giant paper creatures totter through a gothic metropolis.
The story is a sketchier proposition, involving murderously malfunctioning sex androids and two investigating cops, one of whom is a robot himself. It feels more like an excuse for proverbs and musings than a genuine narrative, and, ironically for a movie about artificial lifeforms, the most believable character is the cop's pet dog. It is at least thought-provoking. Quoting everyone from Descartes to Asimov, characters variously argue that children are no more human than robots, dolls are the same as gods, innocence is life. Thinking about this stuff too much almost crashed my hard drive. Still, I could have watched it in Japanese without the subtitles and I'd still have been satisfied.

appropriate- odpowiedni, stosowny
awe- szacunek, respekt
contraption- przyrząd, urządzenie
dazzling- olśniewający
gadget- gadżet; urządzenie, przyrząd
genuine- autentyczny, oryginalny
grand- wspaniały, imponujący
innocence- niewinność
investigate- prowadzić dochodzenie
malfunction- źle, niesprawnie, wadliwie działać
murderously- morderczo, śmiertelnie, zbrodniczo
musing- dumanie, rozmyślanie
quaint- ciekawy, atrakcyjny, oryginalny
quote- cytować
render- wykonywać, czynić
sketchy- szkicowy, fragmentaryczny
subtitle- napis (tłumaczenie filmu na ekranie)
thought-provoking- pobudzający do myślenia
totter- chwiać się, zataczać
wailing- wspaniały, doskonały, przebojowy
wholesale- masowo, hurtowo


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